
Published: 31 Aug 2024
Last updated: 1 Sep 2024

q.u.q Steam banner

A beautiful VN, with a very distinctive art style - some minimalist designs combined with harsh blocks of colours, mainly shadows, with most of the scenes being some combination of black, white and red. The soundtrack is fantastic too, an eclectic mix that pair well for each scene used - to the point that the few periods of silence stand out.

For all the wonderful surreal art and environments built, the story in question that is set… is hard to really make any heads or tails of. It veers wildly in tone from scene to scene, is similarly wild in its themes (and so it never quite feels like it all adds up) and the relative crassness/humour of the few characters can undercut some of the more emotional moments. My best analogy is that its a box of puzzle pieces, containing 3 different half-complete puzzles that don’t fit together. Its definitely flawed, there’s a lot left up to interpretation or simply left deliberately vague/unexplained and the inconsistency in themes makes its harder to ascertain what, if anything, to take from the story.

However, despite my complaints, its clearly a passion project and it shines through and I can definitely see (in my admittedly limited VN experience!) others enjoying or excusing what I perceive as mistakes (and perhaps vice versa), and besides, it is worth to take in the excellent audio and visuals.