Doki Doki Literature Club!

Published: 27 Aug 2024

DDoki Doki Literature Club! Steam banner

Man, remember this? Another game that spread like wildfire via word-of-mouth due to the gimmicks contained inside (expectation subversion, slowly opening the door, 4th wall breaking etc.).

Admittedly, it doesn’t do anything new in particular, nor have much to offer once the gimmick is revealed (hence no incentive to play it again later), but the writing and pacing leading you there was was great (in that it was perfectly innocent and average) for what it needed to be, it worked on me at least. Although the real joy was pushing it to other friends and seeing their reactions :)

It may not have the same potency today, nor last much more beyond that little window of time (I don’t foresee myself playing DDLC!+ anytime soon) but it was solid, if unspectacular in retrospect, made a little better by being in the moment when it was relevant, and that’s perfectly fine. You kinda had to be there.